Sunday 14 July 2013

London stuff

So far in London we have seen the Tower, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace (where the queen lives), Big Ben (which is not actually called Big Ben - that is the name of the bell inside it, the clock tower is actually called Elizabeth Tower!), the Aquarium, Harrods (where mum went mad), Hamleys Toy shop, St James' Palace which looks really ordinary, Piccadilly Circus (which is NOT a circus), Soho (which we liked because they have table tennis tables in the Square for people to relax with), the London Dungeons which is really cool and gory (more later), British Museum which never ends - we got trapped in there.  We have travelled on many double decker buses and in black cabs.  We went on the London Eye which was OK. We saw the Houses of Parliament, walked Oxord St, visited Sherlock Holmes' Baker Street (the house is not there anymore). We went on a sightseeing tour and saw Australia House which was used in the Harry Potter Movies as Gringott's Bank!  Our favourite was the London Dungeons where they showed us what London looked like in the old days. It stunk! People emptied their pee pots in the streets.  There was a plague carried by the fleas on rats but the people thought it might be carried by the cats or dogs, so they killed them all which meant more rats, and more plague. Until a fire started in a baker's shop which spread over 70% of London and wiped out the city and the plague! The baker was tried for treason for trying to put the fire out in his shop!  Other things in the Dungeon were all the old killers like Jack the Ripper who they never caught, all the people they tortured and killed by cutting off their heads, like Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up Parliament, Anne Boleyn who was married to a king and others. They also showed all the instruments of torture! The pictures are of Nelson's column (Nelson stopped Napoleon invading England), One of us in front of the Lion statues at Trafalgar Square and Westminster and BigBen (Elizabeth Tower).

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