Thursday 12 December 2013

Barcelona, Spain

We stayed in a really nice apartment right in the middle of the city near a church called Sagrada Familia. It was designed by Gaudi who seems to be a favourite architect but it was never finished. They have been working on it for over 100 years and are still working on it.

This is the school Gaudi built for the labourers kids

We visited Gaudi's apartments and also Parc Guell which was designed by Gaudi. Parc Guell is up a really steep slope, so steep they have lots of escalators on the streets. Mum found out later they also have a funicular, which would have been good to know on the day.
Gaudi's apartment block

The terrace on the apartment roof

Gaudi's lizard

Parc Guell

Our friends and our Nana met us in Spain and we visited MontJuic Castle and went up there in a cable car. We also visited Peublo Espanyol which is a mini village which has buildings built in the styles from all over Spain, as well as craft, food and drink from all over Spain. We also visited the Science and Technology Centre which was great fun and had a mini rainforest in it.
Montjuic castle

Watching our friends ahead of us in the cable car

Peublo Espanyol

We also saw where they had the Barcelona Olympics

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