Thursday 22 August 2013


We flew from Belfast to Amsterdam. The cabbie ripped us off and the owners of the place where we were staying did not come out to let us in until 2 hours after we arrived.
Amsterdam is really pretty and has lots of canals. Many people live in houseboats and the houses along the canal are leaning. The streets are really crowded and everyone rides a bike so we were always dodging the bikes. We also saw some kids standing on surfboards and paddling down the canals.
We went on a canal tour boat which was boring after a while.
We went to Van Gogh Museum and saw his paintings which we liked.
We saw lots of interesting things. We walked through the shopping district and saw lots of cats.
We went to the Anne Frank House and saw where her family and another family lived in hiding from the nazi's for two years. Her father was the only survivor, which is really sad.
We also went to the Museum of Torture where they have lots of old torture machines which was a bit scary really.
Best of all we went to the Nemo Science Centre which has five floors of science and technology that you can play or experiment with. At the top of the centre, they have a cafe and games and a small water park that falls down a lot of steps and kids are allowed to play in it, and you can see the tops of Amsterdam from there.

The streets of Amsterdam
 At the Van Gogh Museum
 Amsterdam neighbourhood
Up the top of the Science Centre

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