Thursday 1 August 2013


We are in Liverpool. Liverpool used to be the main docks for ships coming into England.
Liverpool has some connections with the Titanic as they made some of the parts and many of the staff on the ship were from Liverpool.
The Beatles (a famous and old band) came from Liverpool and we visited The Cavern, the underground club, where they were discovered. But after taking lots of photos, we found out that the actual Cavern was knocked down and they rebuilt it much later using the bricks from the Cavern, so we took photos of a pretend Cavern!
The Docks are really nice to walk on at night. We met up with a Liverpudlian who was taking photos for a book on Liverpool. We had some trouble understanding what he was saying. Mum had to translate.
We were forced to go shopping because Liverpool has a huge shopping area and mum wanted to see all of it!
 Dont know what these are but they are everywhere
 Liverpool Docks at night
 At the Cavern
 The Cavern
Liverpool at night

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