Thursday 17 October 2013

Paris, France

We stayed in the 9th Arrondissiment in Paris. This is where the Moulin Rouge is. The Moulin Rouge is where dancers used to dance the cancan, a french dance where they kick their legs up.
It is also near the Sacre Cour, a church.
While we were in Paris we saw Notre Dame, Sacre Cour and the Grande Chapell, three famous churches.
Sacre Cour

The Window of the Grande Chapell

Amelia in front of Notre Dame

The back of Notre Dame

We went to the top of the Eiffel Tower and looked over Paris. The Eiffel Tower is about 800 metres high. We also took a night dinner cruise on the river Seine and saw it light up which was very pretty.Nearly everywhere we went in Paris, we saw the Eiffel Tower.

We visited Napolean's tomb at Le Invalides. Napoleon was once the Emperor of France and he had lots of battles but the most famous one was Waterloo where he lost. The french love Napolean and his coffin is under 9 other coffins.
Napoleans coffins

Napoleans Tomb

Napolean's Tomb at Les Invalides

We climbed to the top of the Arc De Triomphe and looked over the Champs Elysees which is a very wide street.
Arc De Triomphe

The Champs Elysees

We also went to the Louvre which is the largest museum in the world. It used to be the royal palaces. We were there all day but didn't see all of it. This is where we saw the Mona Lisa which is not very big but is the most famous painting in the world. It is by Leonardo DaVinci and is actually called La Jaconda. We saw the Venus DeMilo statue which is very famous and saw many other famous statues. 
The Mona Lisa

Venus De Milo

a room in the Louvre

We also visited the Musee D"Orsay which has lots of famous paintings by old artists like Vincent Van Gogh. He was in an episode of Dr Who. Also Monet, Degas and a famous french painter called Toulouse Lautrec. They didnt let us take photos there.

We visited the "palaces of Justice" which are the Courtroom where criminals go to trial. In France, the Judges do the investigating. The police take their evidence to the Judge and he tells them what to look for and orders testing and stuff.

We visited the Catacombs which are tunnels under the city where they store their dead.There are 6 million skeletons stored there. It was very creepy. After this we visited Pere Lachaise, which is huge cemetaryin Paris where lots of famous people are buried. We spent ages looking for Jim Morrison. He was a singer in the 60's who died in his bath. His grave is very famous but it is also very small.
The skulls in the catacombs

Jim Morrison's grave

Some graves in Pere Lachaise

Our favourite place was the Opera which is huge and very golden with lots of chandeliers and statues.
The Opera

The Opera

They had lots of ballet and Opera costumes on display
When we were in Paris, we met many of our cousins.

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