Sunday 27 October 2013

Strasbourg, France

Strasbourg is in the Alsace region which has been switched between Germany and France for 100s of years. The guides said that Strasbourg always considered themselves French even when they belonged to Germany. They speak both languages and it looks German.
We liked the old part of Strasbourg, it was very pretty and was called Petit France. We took a canal boat tour through Strasbourg where they showed us how the locks worked. Strasbourg is where the Human Rights Court is.

We visited Fleckenstein Castle which is a very old castle that was smashed to the ground in the 1600's. It hasn't been fixed since but still has lots of its old rooms and tunnels.


The old courtyard

Inside the rooms
We also visited the Eyrie where they have lots of birds of prey like Eagles, Falcons, Condors, Vultures and lots of different owls. They let them fly over our heads and let kids have them fly to them and sit on their arms but you have to wear heavy gloves. An owl scratched one of the trainers because one of the kids panicked. They have very sharp claws. 
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Owls are beautiful

So are eagles

Vultures, not so much
Some just look scary

We also visited a Monkey sanctuary and fed the monkeys by hand. You have to be really careful not to feed the babies or the mums and dads get really angry and can attack. We were only allowed to feed them popcorn.
Waiting for his popcorn
Cute baby monkey

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