Wednesday 30 October 2013

Switzerland and SNOW! And Liechtenstein

We are in Switzerland. We are staying in an apartment in Lucerne, which is a small city near Zurich. Lots of Swiss people speak German, French, Italian AND English. They also have their own money - the franc. Which has annoyed our parents a lot.

On our first day in Switzerland we drove to Leichtenstein. Liechtenstein is one of the smallest countries in the world. We went to Vaduz which is their capital city but it only has 5000 people. Adelaide has like a million. Leichtenstein is pretty but there wasn't much to do there.
The drive to Leichtenstein

The Palace

We drove back to Lucerne and visited the old part of town. Lucerne has a river running through it and has famous bridges. The bridges have old paintings on the rafters. One also had a little chapel. Lucerne also has a very famous carving of a lion. The Lion of Lucerne. He has an arrow or spear in him and he looks so sad.
The old part of Lucerne

The bridge and the water tower

One of the paintings on the bridge

The Lion of Lucerne. He is very sad.

We went to visit Bern because they have bears there. Not even in a zoo! They have built them a pen on the canal so people can look down into their pen from the bridges or walk on the canal path and look at them. There are three bears. When the weather gets cold they go into their dens and don't come out much but these bears don't hibernate. We also visited the old part of Bern and went to look at their clock which has moving figures. Bern is also famous because Albert Einstein lived there and discovered his theory there but we didn't go and visit his house which is a museum now.
The bears

The bears

The clock

The other side of the clock

SNOW DAY! We visited Interlaken and took the rail to Jungfraujoch which is 4500 metres high. The railway is the only one in Europe that goes that high. It was s long trip and we had to change trains three times. When we got up there we went to go and play in the snow but the kids part was closed. They had a little trailer inside filled with snow so we threw snowballs at each other with that. 
Going up the mountain

the view from the train

up at Jungfraujoch

We visited the Ice Palace which is rooms made of ice and ice sculptures.

Us in front of Sherlock Holmes
Bear ice sculpture

We went outside at the top. It was freezing! We threw snowballs at each other and our gloves got wet and our hands froze. We could not stay outside very long because we don't have snow clothes and the temperature was -2c.  The snow was the best part of Switzerland.
Up the top of Jungfrau

Up the top. We were soooo cold.

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