Wednesday 6 November 2013

Lombary, Northern Italy

We drove through the Alps to get to Italy and stopped to play in more snow.
We stayed in a village called Tremosine which is very high up very scary roads that made mum whimper. We looked over Lake Garda.

Our view from our apartment.

We visited Lake Como which was pretty.
We went shopping in Milan. They have a pretty nice shopping mall called the Galleria. We also visited the Duomo, a famous church in Milan. We tied to find Leonardo DaVinci's painting The Last Supper but couldn't find where it was.
Inside the Galleria in Milan
The Duomo
We went to Verona which is where the story of Romeo and Juliet starts. The story was written by William Shakespeare who is English. In Verona we visited Juliet's house and her balcony where Romeo looks up at her.  There is a door there covered in padlocks and people also used chewing gum and bandaids to put their name on the wall. The alley into the house is covered in graffiti where people write their names and their girlfriends or boyfriends names.
The padlocks. You can see the chewing gum too.

Juliet's balcony and house
We also saw a 2000 roman ampitheatre where families used to come and watch gladiators fight and christians get eaten by lions and tigers. This was family fun 2000 years ago.
 The Ampitheatre

Inside the ampitheatre

Italian streets are really narrow and hard to drive down because of all the shoppers.

We visited a really beautiful church for St Anastasia. It was really rich. There was a service on but no priest. They just had a recording.
Inside St Anastasia's

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