Saturday 23 November 2013

Pompeii, Naples and Amalfi Coast.

Pompeii is an ancient city that was wiped out 2000 years ago by a volcano, Mt Vesuvius. Pompeii was buried under 6 metres of ash.
We visited Pompeii and although it is ruins, it still has some frescos on the walls, mosaics and even petrified people. Pompeii is a pretty big city. We walked down the roads and we could see the old cart tracks in the stone. There were lots of houses, shops and temples. They had two theatres and a huge forum and lots of admin buildings and a graveyard. Pompeii was pretty cool but there are lots of stray dogs.

Pompeii houses

In the Temple of Apollo. They had lots of temples 

Some of the statues they found. They had lots of statues, pillars and jugs

One of the frescos in a house

The Grand theatre

The entry to a gym

A public seat?

An entry to a house

One of the petrified bodies

We stayed in Naples which is the second largest city in Italy but we hated it. It was really dirty and the hotel we stayed at was really old, the shower didn't work and the electricity didn't work. We left early and went to see Amalfi but it was so stormy that it wasn't pretty and the hotel we stayed at didn't have food so we were a bit hungry because there weren't many places to eat nearby.

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