Wednesday 20 November 2013


We stayed in Florence for four days and visited Pisa and Siena which were near by.
Florence has a lot of statues and art from very famous artists. We saw Michaelangelo's statue of David which was huge. We saw paintings by Michaelangelo, DaVinci, Botticelli, Raphael and lots of other artists. Some artists were really gory, we liked those paintings. We visited the Uffizi which is a famous art gallery and another gallery. We visited the Pitti Palace and Boboli Gardens which were very large and had lots of interesting statues and had royal cats. Lots of them. Inside the Pitti Palace is a lot more famous art. The Pitti Palace was owned by the Medici family who ruled Florence and were also related to the French royal family.
Florence has a famous bridge, the Ponte Vecchio which has a lot of jewellery shops on it. Italy has lots of handbag and shoe shops. They are everywhere.
Statue of David

Boboli Gardens

Boboli Gardens

Vecchio Piazza
Us on the Ponte Vecchio

We went to see the leaning tower of Pisa. We climbed to the top and looked out over Pisa. The leaning tower started leaning when they started building it but they still built on three more storeys.

The view from the top of the tower

We visited Siena which has a famous horse race every year. They race round the Piazza and the riders are allowed to do whatever they can to win even hit the other riders. There are lots of injuries, especially to the horses which is not very fair.The Piazza is very large. We climbed the bell tower which was very high and had lots of stairs. Everywhere has too many stairs. Siena is on a hill and they have an escalator from the bottom to the city centre (five escalators) which is lucky because it is really steep.
The Basilica in Siena

The town Hall at the Piazza with the bell tower we climbed.

The Piazza where the horses race

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