Wednesday 13 November 2013


We stayed in Venice for four days. We took a water taxi there because you cant drive over. We took a ride on a Gondola around the canals and looked at peoples houses. Our hotel was on the Grand Canal near the Rialto bridge which is very famous and has lots of shops on the bridge.
Venice has a carnival every year and they dress up in costume and wear masks so Venice sell a lot of masks. Some are really cool and some are crazy.
Venice also makes glass ornaments so there are lots of shops selling masks and glass things. Our favourite was a huge glass person from the painting "The Scream".
We visited the Doge's palace (the Doge was royalty) where we saw the golden staircase which has a lot of gold leaf on the paintings on the ceiling, and the bridge of sighs where the prisoners would cross and have their last look at Venice before they were imprisoned. We also visited the prisons.
We walked around Venice a lot. Venice is pretty but they have horrible food.
The Bridge of Sighs

The Piazza

Venice canals

The Rialto Bridge near our hotel

The golden staircase in the Doge's Palace

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