Wednesday 11 September 2013

Berlin, Germany

We travelled from Norway, through Sweden and Denmark to Berlin in two days. It was a long time spent in the camper watching The Simpsons and doing homework.
In Berlin we went on a tour bus and saw lots of sights. 3/4's of Berlin was destroyed in the war and they have fixed up a lot of it. Some of the building had bullet holes all over them, which had been patched up. Then after the war it was split between the east and the west and they built a wall in the 1960's to separate the areas and when they built the wall, they built right through houses and whatever side you were on you couldn't see people on the other side. The wall came down in 1989.
Berlin has lots of shops and music. It has lots of museums too. We visited the Jewish Museum which tells the history of the Jewish people. We also visited the Greek Antiquities Museum which has statues and vases and stuff going back 3000 years. It was really interesting. The Germans don't like people to wear coats and take bags in the museums, you have to leave them in the coatroom, and in the Jewish Museum we also had to go through a metal detector like they have at airports.
When we were travelling on the tour bus, it dropped us off far away from where we got on, in the middle of the rain, saying the tour was finished, even though we hadn't gone to all the stops, because it was 6.00. Dad was really annoyed. Mum thought it was funny. We had to take a taxi back to the centre of the city. Then we had to buy parka's because we didn't have any warm jackets. Berlin is cold.
None of us really liked Berlin much. Mum liked the shops.
A Museum

The sign at Checkpoint Charlie

The Berlin Wall

Brandenburg Gate

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