Friday 13 September 2013

Prague, Czech Republic

We arrived in Prague last night. We didn't have a map and could not find our way to where we were staying. We came across a mega shopping mall and mum ran in and bought the first GPS she saw. By this time we had been driving all day and it was very dark and rainy and cold. We didn't think we would like Prague.
Today it was nice and we took the train to the city. The city was really pretty. They had lots of markets and street performers and hip hop dancers. They had lots of statues and bridges and churches.
Prague is the Capital of the Czech Republic which used to be Czecheslovakia but broke into to two countries. It used to be under the communists and wasn't free. Now it is.
Czechs have lots of puppet shops. They make puppets from wood, hand carved. They also have a lot of crystal and lots of souvenir shops.

inside a church

Most churches are really decorated

Most of the streets look like this but with lots more people and less cars

Street performers

1 comment:

  1. Prague looks beautiful. I would love to visit it some day. Looks as though you are still enjoying travelling
