Wednesday 18 September 2013

Budapest, Hungary

We only spent a couple of nights in Budapest which is the capital of Hungary. Hungary was part of the Soviet Union until 1989. Hungary was also under Nazi control during the war. We visited the Terror Museum which shows how the Nazi's treated people and then how Hungary became communist and how the Communists treated people.  It has cells under the building which is where they kept people and you can visit the cells. They have photos of the people who were kept there.
Budapest has lots of churches and bridges and the Danube River runs through the middle of the city. the Buda half is the oldest part of the city, and the Pest part is newer but it still looked pretty old to us. A lot of the buildings look ruined but some are very pretty. There are lots of statues here too.
Shopping area

A theatre


Orlando loves the huge escalators

St Stephens Basilica

The Chain Bridge

a statue

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