Wednesday 25 September 2013

Rothenburg, Germany

Rothenburg is a really pretty little town. It still has it's medievel houses and streets and fountains. We spent two days walking through Rothenburg looking at the streets.
We also visited the Christmas shop and Christmas Museum. The museum tells the story of how people first began celebrating christmas, when they started having trees, decorations, presents and stuff. In the old days Santa was called St Nikolas and he had a person who travelled with him called Ruprecht who hit and ate children who were not good. Luckily he is not allowed out anymore.
The Christmas shop also did not let people take photos but it is so nice in there and there are so many rooms of different christmas decorations.
Nutcrackers are everywhere in Rothenburg


At the Christmas shop

We also visited the Kriminal Museum which is basically another museum of torture where they have an old Iron Maiden, iron masks, and other horrible stuff. It also had some displays about marriage which probably should not be in this museum. One of the sentences they had in the old days was stocks that a husband and wife were locked into together if they were arguing. They were not allowed out until they agreed.
An olden day police car

An Iron Maiden


One of the entry gates into Rothenburg

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