Tuesday 3 September 2013

Sweden - Helsingborg, Gothenborg and Stockholm

We drove to Sweden from Denmark through a tunnel then over a huge bridge, over the sea.
Sweden also uses Kroner for money but it is different from Denmark's so we have to change our money again.
We drove to Helsingborg and stayed in a caravan park where we rented a Segway, a motorised scooter that is easy for kids to use but adults can do it very well. Mum and dad kept turning in circles and falling off.
We didn't see much in Helsingborg so we drove to Gothenborg where they have the remains of a viking ship over 2500 years old and lots of old viking artifacts.

Then we went to Stockholm which is the capital of Sweden. People in Sweden live in apartments and they have schools down the bottom of the apartment and there are lots of playgrounds. Kids are allowed to play down on the streets by themselves.
In Stockholm we went to the Abba Museum for Father's Day. Abba was a band in the 70's who wore really horrendous clothes. The music was OK. At the Abba museum, you can be filmed singing with them, dancing dressed as them and all sorts of things.

We also went to see a 400 year old ship - the Vasa, that was a warship that sunk before it even left the Harbour. It was under water for hundreds of years and then they brought it up and now it is a museum. It was almost perfectly preserved. It had 500 sculptures on it and most of them are still there but the paint washed away.

We travelled by ferry to the different parts of Stockholm.
The food in Sweden can be pretty gross. The Swedish people like their trolls and have stories about them.
Sweden has a royal family. We visited the Palace and they have a changing of the guards like in England.

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