Wednesday 18 September 2013

Vienna, Austria

We stayed in a motorhome camp site in the city of Vienna. It was very wet and a bit cold in Vienna.
There was a buskers festival on when we were there which was lucky because it was Sunday and most things were shut. Some of the buskers were really good. There were clowns and musicians and dancers.
We visited the Butterfly house at the Hofburg Palace and walked the streets to look at all the statues. A lot of musicians came from Vienna. The most famous was Mozart.
We also visited a cathedral at Karlplatz. This is where they had the Busker's festival. Outside the church is a huge square.

One of the buskers. He was pretty funny.

The Bubble makers
We also went to see Shonbrunn Palace where the Austrian royal family lived. They also lived at Hofburg Palace.  Shonbrunn was huge but they wouldn't let us take photos inside it. It had huge gardens and fountains and had a zoo and some mazes.  We were not allowed to go to the zoo but we went through the Mazes. Some had things to do in them like trying to spray water over people walking over the bridge or a xylophone in the ground you could jump on. They also had a mirror maze and a pretty large playground.

One of the garden areas.

The Gloriette - you can see all of the Palace and most of the city from the top.

One of the mazes

The xylophone

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